Perditësimi i fundit November 19th, 2024 9:57 AM
Nov 10, 2014 Zani i Nalte English 0
Islamic science
1. Religion and morality
H. Ali Kraja
In the current century, some people while taking into account the mental progress, claim that religion is not necessary, and so is morality, although it is proved that a society can not live without morality. The moral foundations, these people tend to impose to the conscience and thus, having no need for religion.
Those who have not ever been affiliated to any faith and pretend to be reverents of the moral virtues, can not overthrow our claim, as confirmed also by social knowledge, because each individual grows up under the influence of the discipline which his/her society is; unconsciously he/she is a member of the society both in obedience and duties, and he/she is not able to split them.
If they were grown in a society without religion, these people would not own in themselves any moral virtue.
2. An analysis of the great months of Rajab and Sha’ban
MA. Elton Karaj
Full Moon -Bedër- University
In this article we will try to shed some light on the issue in question, trying to include all the basic thoughts either in favor or against. At the top we have mentioned various opinions about each of these time periods and in the end we have included a comprehensive review. Primarily we want to emphasize that we have been largely based on the work entitled Letaif al-Isharat of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, for everything in this topic is related to this.
3. Hodjas – A respectable category of the Albanian society
Faik Kasollja
With the opening of institutes and university faculties in our country, many students graduated by madrasas, conducted the university studies in different branches of science and knowledge sectors, and they showed commitment to education, science institutes, etc.
The ex-madrasists were also involved in important religious duties. So, they held the burden of service in the town and village mosques, and wherever they went, they left very good impressions due to their correct behavior.
4. Slightly about Dante, Islam and the intellectual myopia
M.S. Fatos A. Kopliku
Ann Arbor, Michigan, SHBA
If the Marxists have viewed the history of mankind as a class struggle, then this conclusion tells us more about their background and worldview rather than the history of mankind itself. Islam has been called many things, but, personally I am not aware that it has been called, or even alluded to be, an origin or foundation of communism, as certain Albanian journalists and researchers in a way completely unprecedented are claiming, which is something that tells us more about themselves rather than Islam.
5. The medication with psychoactive drugs, how should be assessed from the viewpoint of Islam?
Ilir Akshija, M.D., M.Sc.
University Hospital Center, “Mother Teresa”, Statistics Department,
Once people were drinking wine and later discovered beer and whiskey. Muslims didn’t change their attitude: wine remains always wine. 100 years ago, Muslims had strong allies in the west against alcohol, but these allies later softened their stance. Muslims did not change their attitude. In this way, the trick of modern science in not banning alcohol and gambling went on, calling the abuse and dependence on them as psychiatric problems and treating them as such. The medical treatment with psychoactive substance for disorders stemming from alcohol use and gambling, as well as their use in other therapies, requires holding an official position by Islam. Their direct and side effects and their immediate abbandonation interferes with the central nervous system and brain functions, resulting in alteration of perception, mood, consciousness, knowledge, and behavior. As such, they should be considered as a value of modern science but not independent from religious observation, since it affects a part of Muslim people lives. Islam does not contradict science as long as the latter does not violate the fundamentals of revealed religion, and as long as it doesn’t hurt people and apologizes for its unintentional mistakes. For example if benzodiazepines are taken into consideration, the science goal is to estimate the system demands including patients, physicians, state and manufacturers. Representatives of religion must be the guarantor of the believers announced rights that imposes the recognition of the latest developments of science, economy and politics. Ultimately the return to the trust can also be an additive of psychoactive drugs and their usage reducion, as the Islam’s stance against the alcohol use has resulted convincingly possible.
Language and Literature
6. Sami Frashëri and the Albanian primers
Prof. Dr. Njazi Kazazi
University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”
Sami was both the author of the idea and implementer of the work. In his primer he saw the basic book for the Albanians of his time, whose surrounding atmosphere was dominated by foreign schools. In this primer he see not only one textbook that would give Albanians literacy skills in their native language, but he also saw the consolidation of Albanian primary schools of that time; he saw the cornerstone in the formation of the generations who would establish the Albanian state.
7. The history of dialogue between Islam and Christianity
Dr. Genti Kruja
The relationships between Islam and Christianity, date back by the period of Prophet Muhammad, with the Muslim emigration in Ethiopia to its Christian king Nejashi, followed then by the Medina Treatise endorsement, and later on with the relationships during Caliphs periods etc. During the period of Caliph Ummar, when the Hummus town was conquered, one forth of the local church was used as a mosque for the needs of Muslims, through the approval of local people. Thus, both Christians and Muslims entered from the same door. Whereas in Andaluzia, the St. Vincent Church, by a mutual agreement was used half as a Church, and half as a mosque. Often at Istanbul, at the same yard it can be observed the church, the sinagogue and the mosque. When Caliph Umar went an Damascus together with Ali (the forth caliph after Prophet Muhammad), he got an invitation for lunch from some Christians and after he asked about the place and heard the answer “in the church”, he ordered Ali to take the other Muslims and going to participate in this shared meal.
8. Debar’s people in field of tolerance and interfaith understanding
Dr. Mois Kamberi
The clearest expample of tolerance and interfaith understanding in Debar is Lura region. At Lura within the same family there are both Muslims and Catholics. Nobody has ever disturbed them; they have never been pressured to change their religion, or to be despised and hated. Instead they invited in all family ceremonies or holidays as well as in distresses. Their opinion is taken into account with regard to the local problems.
The Islamic faith has brought understanding among the Muslim community. The most important thing is that in all 70 mosques Debar district has, in funeral or marriage gatherings, the religious staff and wise men emphasize consistently Islamic religious principles in field of conviction to God, understanding and forgiveness of one another.
9. The Albanian people’s unity in Shkodra protection (1912/13) according to the historical epic
Prof. Dr. Sadri Fetiu
Albanological Institute of Pristina
There is no doubt that the resistance of Shkodra people during their war against the invading Slavs (Serbia and Montenegro army) in October 1912 – April 1913, was one of the most important historical events in the first half of the twentieth century.
From a historical viewpoint this is appreciated as a resistance of the Albanian people and the regular army of the Shkodra’s Ottoman garrison commanded by Hasan Riza Pasha, which not only stopped the momentum of invading Slavs hordes, who had made many unprecedented crimes on Kosovo-Albanian population and other Albanians people living in Montenegro and in North highlands, but also prompted the intervention of the international community against a growing appetites of the Balkan allies conquerors, who in the name of fighting for liberation from Turkish rule, were shredding and sharing between them the Albanian territories.
10. Manastir sandzak at the end of XIX century and at the beginning of XX century
Dr. Hasan Bello
Albanological Studies Center, Institute of History, Tirana
In 1835 the city of Manastir was the administrative center of the Vilayet of Rumelia, whereas with the application of the new “Rules of Vilayets” in 1864, it became a full Vilayet center. In 1875 it comprised the Sandzak of Manastir with 12 kazaa-s, Sanjak of Shkodra with 10 kazaa-s Sanjak of Prizren with 9 kazaa-s, Sanjak of Skopje with 7 kazaa-s and Sanjak of Debar with 4 kazaa-s. According to the 1896 data, in the Vilayet of Monastir Sanjaks there were 22 kazaa-s, 24 administrative units and 1903 villages.
At the end of the XIX century, the city of Manastir in the Ottoman Empire was considered the most important economic center of the Balkans after Athens. According the well-known traveler Evliya Çelebi, the city of Manastir was known since the mid of XVII century; it was a developed urban center with 21 neighborhoods, 3,000 houses, 900 shops, 70 mosques and masjids and one great bargain.
In 1875 in the city of Bitola also had a hospital with 3 doctors, 2 pharmacists and 2 surgeons and 1 pharmacy that served the needs of the local population.
11. The history of secularism in Albania – 1944 onwards
Nuredin Nazarko
Both therminologically and according their way of their goals’ realization, atheism and secularism appear as different, vis-a-vis to each other. Substantially they require the same thing, they have the same goal: the human orientation towards the scientific materialism for the realization of earthly paradise, of course not eternal. Therefore a strong and extreme secularism, demanding the total abolition of the Upper Power from the scene of human life, from the influence in public life and by an increasingly weaker influence in the individual life until having the total uninfluence from it, there wouldn’t have any difference from atheism.
12. The Glorious Life and Works of Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku
Prof. As. Dr. Mark Vuji
Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku as one of the most prominent figures of our nation, will be remembered and estimated generation after generation, as a patriot clergyman, as a fighter who defended with guns the Albanian territories annexation, as a tireless teacher and outstanding scientist, as a talented educator of people, who knew how to inculcate in their spirit the concept of tolerance among different faiths and who managed to maintain and strengthen the unity of the people in difficult historical periods.
13. Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku contribution in field of Albanian language education
Prof. Dr. Mehdi Polisi
For Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku and his work many articles and studies have been written. Several studies about him and his work are done especially in recent years. It should be noted that for a certain period of time, because of the profession he had exercised – preacher, imam, mufti, – Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku name, as well as of many other imams, muftis and hodjas, remained unjustly forgotten. However, better late than never, people says. Researchers have written about his Mawlid, his dictionaries, for his Albanian primer etc. Everybody has written in his own way. It is important to note the fact that all researchers of Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku’s works have expressed a high evaluation rate to him. Although has been written enough, for quality works however, especially for qualitative ones ranked among the best of these fields in Albanian, it always remains a place to say something more. Furthermore in many cases, even to many important issues previously stated, it is worth to speak again, as prof. Çabej once meant. Topics Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku addressed were not random topics, that is, they had a purpose, a goal, indicating that Hafiz Ali has consistently obsered the social life in general and especially that of the Albanian community.
The book showcase
14. A scientific encyclopedias on Qur’an
Prof. Dr. Hajri Shehu
This is the first book of professor Cahill’s Encyclopedia, translated into Albanian language. The author has published in his own country and in his own native language other two, then three volumes. After three volumes it will be the fourth, fifth, tenth … and others.
The uniqueness of the Encyclopedia is the photo illustration. Photos are scientific too. Many of them are taken from satellite. The photo illustration makes very clear and very precise what is written below. The order of presentation is: a picture – a short commentary or argument for the discovery – a Quranic verse. A very nice presentation, and even very curiousable for the reader: behold the picture, the discovery and the verse. Eerything is tightly bound as a whole. The verse at the end is not only conclusive, but very persuasive, very very impressive and reflective.
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