Perditësimi i fundit September 13th, 2024 8:23 PM
Dec 20, 2021 Zani i Nalte English 0
1. Sociological Aspects in the Qur’an, Juz XXV
Msc. Ada Qama, Madrasa of Tirana “H. Mahmud Dashi”
Sociology, as one of the most important human sciences, has in the focus of its studies man as a social being, as well as the society in which he belongs. Thus, it analyzes man in all episodes of his social interaction and necessarily thus forms a close connection with all other human sciences, such as social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, folklore, history, theology, etc.
One of the subtypes of sociology is the sociology of religion, which examines the interrelationships that exist between social structures and different religions, identifying their religious aspects, practices and forms of organizing religious beliefs through sociological methods and disciplines.
The divine books are an inexhaustible source of pictures of human society throughout different historical periods, therefore, seen from this point of view, they are among the key points that attract the interest of scholars of the sociology of religion.
In this paper, in an abbreviated and concise form, we will present some of the sociological aspects contained in the twenty-fifth juz of the holy book of the Islamic religion, the Qur’an.
Key words: sociology of religion, sociological aspect, individ.
2. The role of women in Islam and today’s challenges
Msc. Valdrin Mera, Department of Islamic Sciences, Bedër University
As the first sociological community, the family is the smallest building unit and fundamental element of society, and as such, has managed to survive any danger despite the changes it has undergone throughout history. The main protective role in the regard of “family”, have religion and traditions as institutions that organize social life
According to historical and anthropological data, women have always been at the center of the “family institution”. From the perspective of Islamic religion, the woman has a family-forming position and is the main carrier of the current social structure. Most of the chapters written about women, in classical Islamic works, focus on the crucial importance of the family in Islam and the central role of women in maintaining the family unit. Based on the various functions that society obliges, the woman appears as “mother”, as “daughter”, as “sister” and so on.
Numerous cultural developments and the changing role of women in the 21st century has made a mandatory a more global approach the issue of women in the Islamic universe of reference. This article, beyond the repetition of norms, duties, and rights, literally looks at finding a way to face contemporary challenges in coherence with the divine message while staying faithful to fundamental principles and goals.
Key words: Religion, Family, Tradition, Institution, Woman in Islam.
3. Modern Biology as a Cultural Expression
Fatos A. Kopliku, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
This essay traces the genesis of the mechanistic and scientistic premises, which became the root of a new worldview in the West where the role of the Divine gradually diluted to the point that the only “real” things became random material forces. These premises gave rise to a new culture, expressed in a variety of forms, especially in the evolutionary theory of Darwin. The latter was a result, a precipitation of a long process of saturation of philosophical materialism that occurred because of a gradual loss of metaphysical transparency in the West.
Key words: History of science, history of ideas, biology, evolution, cultural expression
4. Reflections from demographic data of the world Muslim population
Ilir Akshija, University Hospital Center, “Mother Teresa”, Statistics Department
Demographic data are essential to Islamic societies. The origins of a census are to be found in the first year of Islamic calendar ordered by the Prophet (pbuh). The actual number of people populating earth is comparable to the supposed number of Muslims who ever lived on earth is at least interesting. Leaving the spiritual interpretation to the competent ones we could give, based in ‘semi-scientific data’, an approximate of this number. Calculations show that from 107 billion people ever lived on earth while 7,269,215,000 (6.8%) were born Muslims. Further elaboration of data represented graphically show the ever living Muslim population as proportion to the living at that point on time of other humans’ population which indicates some interesting breaking points. All data have to be taken in consideration carefully because of precarious sources of information.
5. Madrasas in Kosovo during the Ottoman period
Dr. Sadik Mehmeti, University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philology
With penetration of the Ottomans in Kosovo and with the establishment of their administration (XIV – XV centuries), and after the acceptance of Islam by most of its population, they, as is well known, have brought to these parts the same principles of which they had appropriated from the Arabs and Persians. Among these are the Muslim religious schools – mejtepes and madrasas -, which, behind the mosques, we encounter very early in Kosovo.
In fact, the first beginnings of the Islamic educational activity in our lands date back to the earliest period of the creation of the first nuclei of the Islamized Albanian community. This activity in its beginnings took place in the mosque, or near the mosque. Precisely for this reason, the history of the activity of Islamic education is related to the history of the establishment of the first mosques in these lands, which began in the first years of the establishment of Ottoman rule.
6. LPA (Labour Party of Albania) Policy against Religious Beliefs: Measures with Legal Character and Propaganda Campaign in 1967
Msc. Xhorxhina Seferi, Department of Islamic Sciences, Bedër University
Immediately after liberation from the fascist conqueror, the communist regime was established in Albania, which was based on the dictatorship of the proletariat and the class struggle. The government led by Enver Hoxha in the first years after the liberation was presented as a visionary government, which had drafted projects for the country’s educational, cultural, economic and social development. In its beginnings the communist state was not affirmed in public as an atheist state, but as a secular state. However, this would not prevent the state from starting the struggle for the eradication of religion as an opposing ideology. Developed in a closed society with a low cultural level, communist propaganda managed to denigrate the clergy and violate the integrity of religious services. In 1967 was developed intensively an open and programmed propaganda against religious beliefs, which showed the need of the regime for political and social uniformity. In this study of LPA (Labour Party of Albania) policies against religious beliefs, we stopped at the establishment of the communist regime in Albania, its relationship with religious communities, the first measures against religious beliefs, the methods used in the fight against religion, propaganda campaigns and the main propaganda tools, the clergy attitude to the ban on religious activity in the country.
Key words: Religious beliefs, LPA, Propaganda, Legal Measures, The ban on religion, Atheism, Communism, Regime, Religious Communities, Albania.
7. The most important theses in the issue of the education of our children, Prof. Ahmed Muadh el Hatib
Human education is really weird. There are different forms and ways of human education. Each individual, in itself, is a world. The more laws that follow it, the greater the intimacy and wealth of its interior is felt. The upbringing of children, in particular, is a fruitful and acceptable environment, and the more the educator strives, the more human art is shown in it, and it becomes a beacon of guidance, rebirth, and wisdom.
For this reason, it is very difficult to describe in some sheets that incomprehensible, multidimensional and self-renewing world, but this is a small supplement, the purpose of which is to uncover a curtain and illuminate this subject due to obligation, counseling and mutual remembrance.
8. Social issues found in the verses of the Noble Qur’an
Prof. Dr. Sadije Bushati
Muslim scholars often value the Glorious Qur’an, for the basic principles by which human life is regulated, because it regulates the whole of society, even at all times.
The Glorious Qur’an consists of 114 suras, which have a certain number of verses. The number of the latter ones varies from 3 to 286 verses. It deals not only with social issues, but also legal, scientific ones, in a word, it is the regulator of all the problems of a society, of course if its rules are known and applied and with full conviction. “It is true that this Qur’an guides to the path that is most right…”
9. The role of women in the education of generations, based on Islamic cultural magazines
Dr. Ilirjana Kaceli, Universiteti Bedër
In all historical periods, as well as in all societies, the role of women in the family and society remains irreplaceable. They are distinguished not only in their duty as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, but also as scholars, leaders and leaders of the state. They have tried and succeeded in educating generations, who with their works left a mark and trace in history. They raised their children with love and sacrifice for the homeland, endowed them with the right culture and education to be worthy sons and devout believers. They play the main role in the family, which is the basis of society and as such we can say that society and the state thrive and prosper only from discipline, order, unity and peace, as well as from educated and well-educated individuals. The figure of the woman and her role in the education of generations has occupied an important place in Islamic cultural magazines such as: Zani i Naltë, Kultura Islame, Njeriu, Dituria Islame, Drita Islame published in Albanian areas. These magazines extensively covered the broad activity, human mission, dedication, faith, devotion, and rare qualities of many Muslim mothers, sisters, and women.
10. The Quran and Sufism
William C. Chittick
Modern-day scholars commonly take the word “Sufism” as a synonym for mysticism, spirituality, or esoterism. The twin foundations of Islam-the Quran and the Sunnah-provide guidance on three levels: activity, understanding, and transformation; or practice, thought, and spirituality. Those Muslims who held that the goal of both right activity and correct understanding was transformation of the soul, that is, achieving inner conformity with al-Haqq, “the Real”, the Supreme Truth and Absolute Reality that is God Himself, were often called “Sufis”. The Sufis focus on assimilating the soul to the Divine Word on the basis of the model established by the Prophet. For them, the goal of the Islamic tradition is “realization” (tahqiq). To achieve realization means to reach the Real, to see and understand all things in light of the Real, and to act rightly and appropriately in all situations. This demands the transformation of the very being of the seeker, and Sufi writings explain the nature of this transformation, describe the path that can lead to it, and offer practical instructions and means on how one can travel on the path. This article expounds on the Qur’anic roots of such a path, with a stress on love.
11. Review of the book “Hodja Kadri Prishtina Islamic Thinker” by Mr. Qemajl Morina
Refik Gerbeshi, Kosovë
12. Dr. Hasan Kaduku (1865-1948),
a Hafiz of Qur’an, the first Albanian dentist
Dr. Genti Kruja, Department of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Bedër University
13. Why we should be religious
The Qur’an is a deed worthy of all respect. The Qur’an has informed man of the attribute of God; make clear to man the relationship he has with God and what to expect from Him. The Qur’an encompasses all moral and philosophical foundations. Virtue and vice, good and evil, truth and true color of everything is explained in the Qur’an…
The Qur’an is the one who tied some pieces of bastardized and degenerate quarrelsome people together and united them in a National unity that had to do with the fate of the world. The foundations of wisdom and philosophy, justice and equality, are explained in the Qur’an.
The Qur’an advises and envisions mass savings and expenses; It brings to light the man who has lost his way. It saves morale. The Qur’an changes man’s faults and mistakes and exchanges them for high and perfect virtues.
It was foolish to call Islam a barbaric religion. These people have closed their eyes to the Qur’an, and they did not want to understand how this lofty book has been eradicating evil vices from the hearts of people for many centuries.
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